A little bit matchy matchy

Well I jumped the gun yesterday with the Jedi. He was fine going into nursery with Mr R and Harp this morning and ran in quite happily.  But after a hour and half they called me to say he was so upset and wouldn't settle.  I said it would take me about 40 mins to walk there as I couldn't cycle today.  The nursery manager called me back and said she would come and pick me up. She had extra staff so was happy to get me. I thought it was lovely of her. When I got there he had settled but looked so miserable and hugged me for ages. Harp was a great big sister and kept giving him cuddles to help him .  I walked home with him in the buggy and we both had breakfast when we got home. We'll he had his second breakfast.  

I have walked over 10 miles today , and my sciatic nerve is now killing me. Thankfully it waited until I was near home with both the wee ones before it started playing up. 

Both the boys had a great day at school.  They both got full marks on their spelling test. Xander has done brilliantly this week with his reading.  He had 35 pages to read this week. Lincoln got his hot chocolate treat at school for getting 100 dojo points so he was well happy. 

Mr R is coming home early tonight so we can have family dinner and all spend time together.  We're picking up a chippy from the van. It's the tastiest in Dumfries.  We haven't had this one for over a year . It will be good to all have a evening together.  I may not get round to many journals but will catch up tomorrow.  

Carson now has a bad cough.  I'm hoping it's the antibiotics that are helping his ear and throat.  

My pvg check came back today so I should hear for a start date soon I imagine.  I need the jedi to settle in nursery because I will have to leave him for 4 hours everyday.  He should be going for 6 like Harp . But I'll collect them both early when I finish my job. 

I would love a early night as I ended up on the sofa at 2am with my shoulder.  Harp slept in her bed until around 3 and then I heard her move her things to our room. I might have a glass of wine tonight.  You're luck if I have had a bottle between Xmas and now.  I would normally have a couple of glasses at the weekend but I've not been bothered with it . 

Have a good weekend.  X 

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