By LaurieT

Practicing retirement with Kendall

As I’m moving through my last year of work I’m getting very good at practicing retirement! Today I was able to get together with Kendall – always a delight and one we’ve missed as we’re both still limiting our socializing due to Covid. Once I’m not working with young children I won’t have to be quite so careful.
We talked about how much of our growth and creativity has been directed towards our work, and the opportunities that arise once we retire. I’ve begun the process of shedding my professional roles; turning down requests for workshops and not renewing my memberships in professional organizations. All the toys and materials the children use are being inventoried to donate or sell.  I’ve given away boxes of books to a former student working on her M.A., and recycled bags of notes from classes and workshops I’ve taught over the years. 
For now I’m savoring these last few months of time with toddlers, but am very much looking forward to my house being quieter in August.

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