New reality day 907

Foggy evening

Rough day. Nasty people and software not working (for all of us). It was great to reach the end of the working day. After that it got interesting.

I have asked after my Employment Certificate from the previous employer. They should have sent it weeks ago. They promised to email it to me. I was like what? So I asked my friend Sonja if she had gotten hers. Yes she had. Blank paper no logo and no signature. She could have made it herself. I told her to add positive things like "best sales rep ever" :-D. Well she need to send it to the unemployment office. I recon they won't approve it. But we'll see.

So I asked our office assistant if she had seen what kind of certificates the company gives out. In that conversation she told me she had given her resignation today. She has 2 weeks to go. She has reached her point of no return.

My cold has been worse today. It's going up and down even during one day. Very strange.

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