Del Dios Gorge

Part of the 55 mile Crest to Coast trail from the source of the San Deiguio River on the Vulcan Mountain to its estuary into the Pacific Ocean at Del Mar where we walked yesterday.

Today was not the weather you would expect in Southern California. Wet and cool, only around 10c and none of that sunshine.

We were undeterred, taking a 6 mile hike on the trail along the shores of Lake Hodges. Madison went on her second ever hike (the first was yesterday) and was no bother at all, sleeping soundly in the baby carrier the whole time despite the rain.

This evening we went for dinner with Chris and Carly and we’re treated to a fine steak meal. Madison slept well during dinner, she really is a very contented baby.

Tomorrow looks as if it’ll be wet too. After that we’re promised those blue Californian skies will return.

Thank you for your comments yesterday. I was hoping to respond today, but there was no time to do so.

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