twinned with trumpton


Great minds eh? I see Middleman was also at the large blue and yellow store on the south side of town; as I was parading around the perimeter on hound walking duties, I wasn't aware of this possible impromptu blipmeet until I spotted his blip. Oh well.

Teaspoons and candles duly purchased, me and Her took off through lesser spotted Straiton and headed in a Cigs / underpass kind of a direction, the hound in full snuffle mode. 

Wit the forecast breeze increaseing we jumped on a bus from Gilmerton and headed for home; a brunch of sourdough and eggs with HeyPlantBae cruffin (croissant mixed with muffin; a lemon curd filling, too) and then I dozed off watching whatever FA Cup game was on. Brighton v Liverpool, perhaps?

A quick walk into the Meadows for Loki to get battered by Perry and pal before I rustled up a roast beef (was £15, £5.50 by the time I got to it; there's 2/3 of it left for the boys at some point) and Yorkshire pudding and eventually cycled home into the subsiding northerly blast. Only foxes, no badgers.

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