
I have forgotten to blip the last two days.
Friday I did the pick up from surplus to supper. Not much this week. I then cooked as mentioned Thursday in the evening for our mental health group. They were surprised the food was homemade!!!!
Saturday I was on duty at the community kitchen and Sainsbury had saved the day with lots of bread so in the end we gave away about 40 kg food.
So on to today . Church this morning and we are looking at Genesis. In beginning.
I asked another person to cover our coffee as we were going out to dinner . We went to the Toby Carvery in old Windsor with friends. It was a lovely catch up. They are off next weekend doing the same cruise we did to Norway . Hope they deer the aurora as well.
Off to friend for coffee this evening
And my camellia has one flower and several buds. A sign that spring is on its way
Sadly we don’t think the hedge is eati
G the food but a fix or cat as it had been taken out of the hedge house that we bought yesterday and was halfway up the garden

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