
Sunrise 07:43. 116 degrees SE
Sunset 16:57 244 degrees SW

The Full Moon was still high and bright in the sky at 7am as I made my way to the pool, the view from Potternewton Lane of the pre-dawn horizon was sensational.

Later I captured a Sparrow at the feeder in good light, I thought it would be my blip!

Super reflections on the lake in the park.

I saw a gentle sunset from Sugarwell Hill.

All worthy blips on this bright, calm but cold day.

However, all that was trumped by this portrait of an incredibly relaxed fox. first fox of the season, IN February! It sat down on the lawn even though it must have sensed I was there. I think it’s a vixen.

The light was very poor by 17:25 so I have used a high iso and slow shutter speed.

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