The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Duvet of dusk

I left work a bit earlier today, as I was going out with a client later. I was able to blip the sky from Steve's study when I got home. I visited Waitrose, too, for inspiration for our office Thai lunch on Thursday. There's just the two of us having gourmet international lunches every Thursday. And why not?

The evening trip out was to a Samba drumming class. What a hoot that was! Just fantastic to be around so much sound and rhythm, and to attempt to be part of it. I was on the shaker, which is not a maraca, but more like a heavy rectangular tambourine. Client was on the medium-sized drum. The energy in the room was amazing.

However, client was disappointed that he was not immediately as good as he'd hoped, so I don't think he'll go again. That's not up to me to decide. We walked home together, and woweeee, it was cold. Back home by 9.30. Work, eat, sleep. And Samba!

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