Answers on a postcard please!

The fibre contractors, as opposed to my broadband provider, were supposed to arrive this morning from 8 onwards, this being the second appointment they've made with me. At 9.45 I sent them an email saying "this is going to get done today I hope?" I received a reply saying that it had been rescheduled due to traffic management, sorry for the inconvenience, but not telling me when it was being moved to. 

I was annoyed, no make that almost fuming. If I hadn't emailed, when were they going to let me know! I sent a reply with my only three free days this month, I've cancelled enough things for them already. Yesterday Plusnet reduced my bill because my new contract had been delayed due to the contractors inability to connect me to fibre, and I'll be asking them to reduce it again at this rate.

This is dinner for son, partner and myself later. I'm fairly sure it could be cooked in the airfryer, but I'll put the oven on as it doesn't seem fair to experiment on them :-)

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