Trip out

Had arranged to meet my lifelong friend in Skipton today.  Caught 3 buses, but roadworks held us up for 20 minutes 3/4 of the way there.  Still it gave friend H time to do some shopping whilst she waited. Long time spent chatting over coffee. We then went for a walk around the town, and called into a few unusual shops. H had to leave around 1:30 so I called at M&S then ate some lunch at the wharf which was deserted apart from myself and some hopeful birds.  A little robin perched alongside me waiting for crumbs, but was eventually spooked by pigeons and gulls swooping in.  I decided to wander back to the bus station and although I walked right past it I forgot to call into the coffee store to see if they had any coffee beans I fancied.  Next time! The bus was delayed, but the roadworks homeward bound did not hold us up for as long.  Huge queue for the Shuttle back from Keighley, but we all managed to get on, and then there was only a 10 minute wait in Bingley for a bus to the village.  It was 4:30 by then, so I went straight to 3&go.  8 of us tonight and some good banter.  Busy, tiring, but good day. :-)

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