Pilgrimage routes

Amandi is a riverside suburb of Villaviciosa now but was surely a separate village once. It houses the romanesque church of San Juan, which Ive shown on here before,  and the fountain of San Juan, and the so-called Roman Bridge. All 3 are within about 100 metres from this sign. 
It´s likely that the bridge at Amandi was for centuries the furthest point downstream at which the Ría could be crossed, so those Camino de Santiago pilgrimage routes that aimed to go through Oviedo or along the coast via Gijon, woud have crossed the river at this point. They still do. 
Also using the old bridge is the Camin de Covadonga, which comes from the west and aims for Covadonga. So the Camino de Santiago and the Camín de Covadonga are both indicated on these signs. The "albergue" indicated is a hostel for pilgrims, and I have no idea what "San Clemente" is named for but it´s a hiking route that uses the bridge. 

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