
By OutAndAbout01

Padding Around…

I realised on some of my steep muddy and wet downhill descents my brakes were not performing to their usual standard. Felt sloppy and were squealing like a banshee.

It appears they have been contaminated with either oils washed from the drivetrain or maybe a cleaning product, they were shinier than the Crown Jewels.

I have gave them a good bath in acetone scrubbing any contaminants, left to dry and lightly sanded them on an 1600 grit before re assembling. I’ve ordered some spares and a 160mm rear brake rotor as I have a slight kink I can’t straighten.

Good enough for another couple of rides before I get a chance to do a full service as have a bleed kit ordered as well. I like to carry out most of the maintenance apart from gear tuning which I leave to the experts.

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