A Tiny Garden in NE Wales

By aTinyGarden

What will be will be.

Sooooo, last March after I had Covid, I was unwell in that everything I ate went straight through me. I was on antibiotics for 3 weeks due to a nasty UTI and I'd just changed my diabetes medication which listed diarrhoea as a side effect. So I just got on with it, it got better. Until about 5 months ago when it all flared up again. To cut a very long story short  went to doctors for my annual diabetes review and admitted I wasn't 100%. Had a 1hr face to face chat with my doctor outlining symptoms. She concluded that it sounded very much like IBS-D (Irritable Bowel Syndrome-Diarrhoea) but we needed to do some tests. Just in case. 
Back to today and the results are in. They found blood in my poo. Not  red flag amount, but enough to warrant referral to hospital for further investigation. And yes, a camera up the bum! 
So that's where I'm at. The camera will see what's happening and diagnose IBS or something else. Dr is confident it will be IBS, but it needs to be checked. In the meantime I'm struggling to find anything to eat other than porridge and soup. Currently googling everything. 
What will be will be. 

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