Romance among the lugworms

But while he passed before a plashy place,
A lug-worm with its grey and muddy mouth
Sang that somewhere to north or west or south
There dwelt a gay, exulting, gentle race
Under the golden or the silver skies
— W.B. Yeats

That's not a title you see very often. Did you know: there are two types of lugworms: the blow Lug and the black Lug. The blow lug is inclined to produce messy casts while the black lug likes a more defined cast - I reckon that's my man for there's a perfect heart here. Cast is actually a rather polite term for worm poo. 
The things you notice when you you for a yomp at low tide. Weird enough to be abstract I hope. 
Edit: slightly altered to celebrate the 400th Abstract Thursday - many thanks Ingeborg, and YouOrego1 before that.

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