Live it loud!

By Lostpixel

Which way is up?

Four trees which don't seem to know the direction they are supposed to be growing.

Drove a couple of miles and then started the walk back towards home. Having looked at OS maps, I found some footpaths that I hadn't explored before. This is from the section that leads towards Sketchley Brook which rises close to where the head office of the old dry-cleaners (Sketchley's) used to be. 
It is common to see several trees all leaning in the same direction due to the prevailing wind direction, but, I thought this groups looked odd if not a little comical. 
The brook was flowing quite strongly despite the lack of rain over recent weeks.

This afternoon was a hair-cut that was cancelled a week ago. AJ who normally cuts my hair had to cancel at late notice last week. At the same time as we were worrying about mum, she was having major problems with the care home where her mum had lived for many years. New management had decided, for their own unfathomable reasons, that they could no longer look after her (despite no change in condition) and they had asked she move out. That not surprisingly caused lots of heartache and stress. She and her family managed to make alternate arrangements, and, the social worker involved was very concerned at the treatment and reasons that her mum had been given. Clearly something seemed to be going very badly wrong at original care home and they have likely brought much attention to themselves. 

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