Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Down the Track

Woke up too early for a run this morning. Yep, that's right. I woke about 4:30, which was most frustrating, as I really didn't think it would be in any wy reasonable to go for a run then. So I lay there for a while, eventually went back to sleep, and woke again around 6:00 or so. Normally that wouldn't be a problem, and I would have gone for a nice long run anyway, except that mrs tsuken was making her perfect poached eggs and smoked salmon today, and getting up at 6:00, out by 6:15 at earliest, out for 1 or 1 1/2 hours ... much too late for the mrs' and my breakfasts. So I decided that I'd go for a run after the kids' swimming lesson.

I also decided I'd use the Adidas micoach app on my iPhone. I had set up a training programme aiming for a half marathon, and as the first run it had "assessment", which involved a posh-sounding Englishwoman telling me to walk for two minutes, "increase effort to 4 out of 10" - whatever on earth that might mean - then to 5, 6, 7, 8, and finally 9, which "she" said was essentially maximum effort, then finishing with a walk. It monitored my heart rate as well as pace and so on, and then told me what would be my training zones: blue, green, yellow, and red. I was rather on the surprised side to see the result: top of my green zone is supposedly 4:21/km (7 min/mile), and the top of my red zone 2:35/km (4:09/mile). O_õ

I find the latter particularly odd, given that the fastest pace it recorded was 3:11/km (5:07/mile). But whatevs.

I also have to decide whether I want to spend part of my birthday running the Western Sydney half marathon...

Anyway, I took this on my way home on the run, after the assessment bizzo. Larger here.

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