Capital adventures

By marchmont

Calling tooth fairy

I'm starting on the last days. Sad. I sent a long family history email in the morning then sat play park while Olivia played with her friend. I was in shade.

After lunch #1 dotted in and out his man cave/ bedroom and Olivia and I went to the pool for the last time together. We went in both spa baths. The cold, unsurprisingly is lukewarm.

News of the day, Amelia lost a first tooth. 

Pizza and beer (sans #1) then a work call that went on too long.  There was another humdinger of a storm with zero visibility across the Penchala Link. 

#1 came and went and Wen Hui put the girls to bed. I ended up reading North Lanarkshire Committee minutes. Light reading on a Friday night. 

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