Angry bird

The little nutter was back attacking our spare room window again today.  Keeping the curtains closed did seem to work for a while, but then he was back to his old tricks, even with them closed - so we opened them again.  I took the opportunity to get a couple of photos, but tomorrow we'll try sticking some post notes on the window, and see if that dissuades it.  (I'm working on the theory that it's attacking its own reflection, but who knows, maybe it's just a bit deranged.)

I had another go on Tim's rowing machine this morning - I'm up to a whole four minutes now, lol. 

Tim got in touch with our favoured estate agent today and started the ball rolling, negotiating their fees and seeing if the woman they mentioned who was interested in a flat like ours would like to come and view it (hopefully get that arranged soon, as the estate agent thinks she would).

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