
By JackyMT

This weeks post box topper

To some today is the first day of spring to others it will be March 20th the day of the Spring Equinox. Which ever Happy 1st of March,  it was a cold day with rain on and off. 

 Dog walk, got a bit wet. Tesco for a few bits which cost the earth, it gets worse week by week. Post office to post some boots back to Amazon. Then it was 11.30 and we had a late coffee morning. Followed by lunch.

 The afternoon was a series of little jobs one of which was planting up into a bigger plant pot the clematis I got yesterday which I shall keep in the greenhouse until it warms up a bit then transplant into a big tub, and repotting a cacti into a larger pot. The latter went back on the windowsill in the kitchen only to be knocked off tonight by that cat and being fresh loose damp compost it went all over the kitchen floor which I shall have to wash tomorrow again, I only did it yesterday.

Thats it for my day

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