
Saw this beauty pecking away at something on the pavement - a crisp? a bit of rice cake? a fragment of prawn cracker? - I couldn't tell. Anyway the robin was pleased with its snack.

I'd walked round to see my GP and I was delighted to get a bit of fresh air for the first time since Tuesday morning. Our GP practice is terrific and I was reassured by the discussion this morning. As things stand, no further action but just take it easy over the weekend to let my system settle down. I was going to do that anyway :-)

Thanks again for all the lovely messages both here on blip, and privately, that you've sent. I hope this'll now be an end to the saga.

The new saga is that the washing machine has packed in. Just when I needed it to work too! Luckily someone is coming out to have a look this afternoon. Kind neighbours are walking Flora so I'm back on the sofa with my book.

Wishing you all a healthy weekend.

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