Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid


I think the lack of sleep over the last few days is catching up with me!

The big thing today was to get Danny off to catch the shuttle bus that took him to Comic Cons. G & I waited, and waited, and waited to hear from the garage to collect the car. When it got to 4 PM, we thought it best go there.

Bad timing. It's impossible to get a taxi at that time. One eventually stopped for us, and I was surprised at how little traffic there was for a Friday afternoon.

The repair is done successfully but has come in at more than what they quoted. I chatted with Khalid about anything and everything. That helped reduce the bill by £200!! I have to say - it is so good to have the car back!

We drove straight to Festival City and headed to IKEA, where my blip is taken. They are having a kid's activity month, and this "heart"  was entertaining people as they came in.

I managed to pop into Carrefour before we left, tired but happy. :)) Later, G found a documentary series on Netflix about child labour. That was pretty gruesome.

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