
By TrishaR

A Fancy Old Car

And on the dash was a skull underneath hanging animal print dangles. Clean white leather seats (no dogs or kids allowed in there)! Shiny black paintwork but wheels sinking into the mud sodden park. Bit like T in the Park must be like!

First time at a Classic Car Rally and was amazed at the amount of people there. A blippers paradise I would say. But the mud....... A 1935 Rolls Royce had to get a tow out and saw others getting pushed . Such indignity for such special motors!

I could see myself sitting in the front of this Plymouth. It's not the Christine model, but it still has that kinda creepy feel to it. Imagine it going slowly and menacingly down a dark street and the drivers face just a shadow..... Then he stops to speak to a lady......

On way home stopped off in Dunblane to sit out in the sun having coffee and scone. Breagha was very popular again and no one believes she is a 5 year old. Then a walk down by the river and little dream about days gone by when I worked in the town. I passed the building where I worked and I could see that young, carefree 17 year old me strutting down the path. There were a few odd people that worked in that office, including an accountant of advancing years, her face was covered in large fleshy moles and she kept a bottle of gin in her drawer which got banged shut when I opened the door. As the day went on she got more and more pie eyed and the room honked of that sweet gin smell.

Watching Case Histories which is an adaptation of the excellent Ruth Atkinson novels starting Jason Isaacs as Jackson Brodie . It's also set in Edinburgh . Very enjoyable - check it out :)

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