Jumping for joy

Well, it is a long weekend and despite it being Sunday night, I have a whole other day off work to look forward to.

Weather atrocious today. Rain. Hail. Snow. Sunshine. Wind. More rain. More hail. Well, you get the picture.

Found a few interesting houses. Now, if only the Real Estate Agents would answer their cell phones ...

Got snarled at by my friend's Rottweiler last night. I've never seen one looking mean, with teeth bared and ears flattened. He was seriously not happy. I was so shocked that I shouted 'NO!' at him and pointed outside. He seemed taken aback and went. I quickly shut the door and waited for my heart rate to return to its normal speed. R (who is 7 years old and not remotely afraid of her dog) just laughed and called him 'silly Eric!'.

Anyway, the upshot was that Cousteau and I didn't stay the night and we came home to a cold house (10 degrees C) and an unmade bed. Quickly fixed.

I'm off to have a quiet night and another day off work. :)

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