Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

State of the art

It's Sunday and the last chance to get ready for a new week. My main task was to do the ironing.

I have organised for Nara to come twice a week this month. Today is one of the days. G had a Zoom call, so couldn't leave the flat. I took Danny to Festival City, calling in at ACE Hardware first. The shower hose in my bathroom needs to be replaced yet again. Argh.

We then went to M&S to see what they had left in their sale. Back home for lunch. We all ended up having a nap before venturing out again, this time to Matalan, where Danny picked up the cart he kept aside during our brief visit yesterday.

My extra is taken in the music shop. We spent a bit of time looking at everything. Things are changing so much in this sphere. Today I saw a handpan. Danny demonstrated how it works. We saw other instruments I hadn't seen before. The APX-600 Yamaha guitar wowed us, both with its looks and sound!

We then walked through Khan Murjan before a shop in Carrefour, home for dinner and entertainment in the form of cat documentaries on Netflix! As for the ironing - that will have to wait until tomorrow.

PS. Oops! Forgot to mention the reason for choosing my main image! This tent outside ACE totally fascinated me. It had two bedrooms, a sitting room, patio with BBQ and a pets' own tent, and finally, windows and curtains! Seriously.

And I managed to publish my 177th video in the afternoon.

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