
By Veronica


(sharper in large)

However steep the slope, there will be terraces on it. Some of them must have been there for centuries. Traditionally they were almond trees, and there still are some, but now they are mostly fruit: avocados, mangos, chirimoyas, figs, oranges, lemons. Difficult to automate cultivation of these terraces -- working them must be hard and time-consuming. 

Currently there are massive problems with water -- these tropical fruits need a lot, and in recent years have been grown in drought conditions, drastically depleting groundwater and reservoirs. And as the level of the groundwater sinks, being so close to the sea it becomes more salty and unsuitable for consumption. There's a lot of political agitation about this, but precious few solutions. Another example of heedless development during a climate emergency.

Edit: do take a look at last year's photo for a different type of fruit in similar landscape.

Right on cue, it is now raining, but only scantily. Earlier it was sunny enough to lunch on the terrace.

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