Easter on the postbox

Today was a bit of a Nightmare

Misty had her op today to spay her everything went ok she was home by 2.30.

Now we cut a long story short as we can.
She had a soft collar on but could still reach her stitches so i went back to get a cone one. Whilst working out how to secure it on her and taking our eyes off her she managed to pull all her stitches out.
Rang vet it was too late to take her back so we had to take her over to their hospital at Morley which is the other side of Leeds. Peak time sat nav got us lost but we eventually got there at 6pm got seen at 7pm. She has to have a full anesthetic again and stay in overnight. I dont even want to think of the price quoted but if i just say we could have hired a holiday cottage for less for a week.
We eventually got home by 8pm. Lucky i still had some hot pot left.

So thats our day lets hope 2 lots of anesthetic aren't too much for her.

At least the easter postbox topping is cheerful.

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