Breakfast of a champion chipmunk

Fyra was up in my lap and ready to pose this morning. Since her arrival, she's been showing up in the late afternoon, not the best time to be blipped. While she was scrambling around in my lap, selecting her peanuts the glorious oriole couple flew in. Mrs. Oriole selected soft nesting material and cat hair from a container we have while he stood guard. Then a chickadee arrived and took some soft material as well. My female Red Bellied-Woodpecker stocked up on peanuts with her loud cry and usual fanfare. Mrs. Wren supervised her husband at the new gourd I put up, I think she may have approved this residence.

For the Record,
This day came damp and fresh after a night of showers. The sun seems to be working it's way out. The air is filled with bird songs, just delightful to wake up to.

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