
By Odofuran

Blues Sessions

Feeling the blues, so it was good timing that one of my favorite bars around here had it's monthly blues night this week. It's a really small place named after my favorite singer, Otis Redding. They have a jukebox full of great soul, Motown, blues, etc, and every month they have a blues night, where people bring their instruments, put their names on a list, and then they call out groups of people to come up and play. Last year I went every month for a while, but there was a big gap between trips recently (for a variety of reasons). I'm so glad I got back to it, to hear the songs of loving lost (is there any other subject in blues?) and some insanely good guitar, bass, drums, pianika, and harmonica.

The best part was at the end of the night, the last set. Our favorite singer, bassist, drummer, and guitarist, plus the owner on guitar and a guy on the pianika, just owning the night. Seriously, the two songs they played together, with the solos and the powerful singing of Tomohiro (pictured), it was just insane. And afterwards, for the first time I got to have a conversation with a couple of the guys, including Tomo here, and my favorite bassist Satoshi. Very friendly, great guys to talk music with. Definitely going to make this bar a regular of mine.

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