Temple of Isis, Philae

As we made the short boat crossing, the Temple of Isis on Philae island is gradually unveiled. It was built around 690 BCE to honour the goddess Isis. She is one of the most important gods and is the symbolic mother of all pharaohs. The entrance through the first pylon 'gateway' is 18 metres high and etched with reliefs of Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos (Cleopatra's father) smiting his enemies.  Between 1972 and 1980 he whole temple complex was moved from its original location on Philae Island to nearby Agilkia Island, after the flooding of Lake Nasser.

The old Aswan Dam completed in 1902 was a feat of engineering for its time.  But by the 1950s a new dam was needed to better control flooding, increase water storage and generate hydroelectricity.  After 11 years of construction the Aswan High Dam was completed in 1970.  The giant reservoir created by the dam - 300 miles long and 10 miles wide - is called Lake Nasser.  The formation of Lake Nasser required the relocation of 90,000 Egyptians and Sudanese Nubian nomads as well as Abu Simbel Temple. 

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