On the glide

A busy and quite sociable day. We took a walk to the market for baked goods, and then hung around having a coffee, and ended up with short chats with other baked-goods seekers, such as meles and DaveH and suffering a theft from a different sort of baked-good seeker in the sense that naughty Sassy stole my cheese straw.... Well, she had got her wee teeth on it in the bag under Mr A's seat, and it ended up on the ground. Never mind! I thought we had two cheese straws so I was a bit disappointed when we got home and there were none to eat.... But the baked goods were excellent.

After lunch and a peloton, we headed back down the river to Lost in Leith to consume quite a lot of Campervan Brewery's finest products, in the company of J, S and the slightly less than previously delinquent cockapoo Rufus. We spent a lot of the time talking about that quintessentially British topic - property.... And showing each other things on Rightmove. How bourgeois.

After the drinking, Mr A and I were in no fit state to go home and cook, so we went to Kezban for a pretty good Turkish meal before staggering home to bed.

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