Getting the sparkle back

By DomesticGoddess


Alfie seems to have an endless variety of expressions, which is my justification for endless blips of him. And there's an extra of him too with no legs and almost no body.

It was back to the Royal Infirmary again today for more x-rays: I had a phone call yesterday evening from one of the A&E doctors who said that there was a query about whether the hip was back in ok from looking at the one x-ray which had been taken. Apparently there wasn't a lateral x-ray which is normally taken at the same time. I didn't think there was much doubt about the hip being as it should be, but I was keen to find out as much as possible about the joint so it was agreed that I would go back today. I duly did that and after a palaver of being wheeled about on a trolley and being stacked up against other trolleys, it seemed there was nothing more to be discovered from the new x-ray. The kind young doctor was sympathetic about the whole recurrent dislocation saga but couldn't really tell me anything I didn't already know. He said the orthopaedic surgeon would be the one to answer my questions. At least the outing didn't take all day and I was back home for a late lunch. It was a mostly sunny day so I was glad to be out and about again. 

I went to the hospital by taxi but was so disgusted at having to pay £12 for a journey of less than four miles that I got the bus back and that was fine. I've discarded my leg brace which made it very difficult to get about even round my flat and I will have to make sure I don't dislocate again as I'm sure there would be hell to pay if it emerged that I wasn't wearing it. Mind you, I'm doing what I can to avoid dislocating anyway. 

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