Who needs hands?...

I've become a little marveled at what a bird can do with those little claws. Climb trees, hang upside down from a leaf, balance their food, land on crazy small wires... Before blip, I enjoyed the occasional pretty bird song or had fun spotting a bird we seldom see, but I now have a new appreciation for these little feathered beings. And I sure do enjoy studying them through a long lens. Go large if you want to study this gal.

Today, I had to send Big Daddy (Tameron 200-500mm lens) back to where I rented it from. I had planned to do some work with it today, but just after I got going a big storm came rolling in. Good thing I took this shot before breakfast. We got hit with huge wind and it rained hard. A day of outdoor photography wasn't going to happen, so I just packed it up and sent it off... I will miss that big guy...

The orioles have been a nice (accessible) source for a blip and an easy way to test that big lens. It's funny though, in previous years they never came to our house, even when I put out oranges. Must be my sophisticated oriole feeder. (A paper plate tied to the deck railing...) Super classy and I know your jealous... ;) Could be time for a feeder that can withstand a rainstorm...

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