
The photo belies the reality of the day which was mostly steady rain - but the sun came out long enough for me to take a couple of pics of the garden daffs. Poor things have taken a beating in recent days with the cold temperatures, high winds and frequent rain. And yet they persist. I'm glad.

In view of the rain, I was perfectly content to have an at home alone day - especially as it involved almost constant rugby this afternoon - yes I watched all three games and, as much as I wanted England to win their last game,  I'm happy that Ireland did, playing in Dublin on this St Patrick's weekend with a victory that gave them the grand Slam and a marvelous end for captain Johnny Sexton's Six Nations career (apparently he intends retiring after the World Cup later this year). It was a good game, but my fav moment today was in the earlier Scotland v Italy game and Mr Kinghorn's last minute 95m dash to score a try for Scotland - I think my neighbours probably heard me shouting at the screen in those moments!

Worthy of mention must also be that I took advantage of the 'not raining' to look for Tortie who disappeared somewhere in the garden two days ago. Fruitless searches in the shrubs made me realize that she had to have got behind the shed, a somewhat inaccessible place for anything larger than well, a tortoise. So I sucked in my stomach and limboed my way between the shed wall and the garden fence until I could lean around the back of the shed, twisting my body in several unatural positions and there she was, sheltering under some cut off sheets of roofing plastic. Think I invented some new contortionist poses in the next few minutes, bending down sort of sideways, twisting round to pick her up with one hand, (easier said than done - she's a big and heavy lady).  We then shimmied our way back together, sidewards down the length of the shed,  her legs dancing akimbo and mine like a knock-kneed tight rope walker.  We both took several minutes to recover. 

Note to self :  block the gap beside the shed

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