An Adventure!

Friday 24th March 2023

I was quite awake when I went to bed last night so I was reading when my phone pinged with the red alert of the aurora. I regretted not going out the other week when people got wonderful pictures near by but I really wasn't sure about where to go and how to see it. After I looked at the phone last night and linked to another app I discovered the whole country was covered with sightings and also spotted one taken from the local town. That was it, I had to try! 

At first I tried the simple approach of from my drive but the camera didn't show anything. I decided to go in the car to ... I didn't know where. To cut a long story short, after two trips and an odd route, I ended up at the coast. I couldn't see anything but pointed the camera roughly North and got a possible green tinge. I adjusted settings and tried again. Definitely a tinge. I changed location to get a better view and tried again, then I did get excited. I took quite a few but it was very cold, very windy and very late! As I couldn't really see much by eye I eventually decided to return home. I had to process the picture though! Very pleased with this. Needless to say, I didn't get much sleep! 

I played golf this morning and had done a few other things this afternoon. 

I've finished processing yesterday's photo so I've just posted that as well.  

p.s Just discovered that my photo made it on to BBC NWTonight News! 

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