#8 Lighthouse

On the nighttime wildlife camera..

A very determined badger...

This badger, KissyKissy, named because of its determination of nose to nose  contact with the cats, is now not rocking the swing so violently when he's trying to get the cat biscuits off it. He seemed to have developed a different strategy. And the swing is fairly still in this video whereas usually the poor cat Merlin, looks a bit dizzy with the amount of times the badger is swinging that swing.  I Googled to find out if European badges were intelligent. But I couldn't find anything specific about it. Although I did find that Honey  badgers in the States were determined to be pretty intelligent.

KissyKissy is learning that he does not have to expend so much energy in getting those cat biscuits off the swing, and seems to be looking for shortcuts...

Merlin, the cat, who is often on the swing all night was on the swing earlier but when he realised the badger was going to be determined to get cat biscuits he left.

KissyKissy is pulling off the cloths on the swing onto the ground. I'm not sure if he's trying to figure out an easier access to the cat biscuits because he's pulling off the blankets and stuff on the side of the cat biscuits.

Merlin returns to find his swing in disarray, he does not know what has happened.

If it's a decent enough capture, I have also included the video of the same scene from the other end of the swing, and it gives some more detailed picture.

The biscuits are out of reach now, KissyKissy  has eaten all the cat biscuits near the edge, and he is reaching and reaching.

Cat Merlin, is watching the badger intently. It is now pre-dawn, the birds are beginning to sing. And Merlin goes to sleep because the swing is only rocking gently now.

KissyKissy appears to be trying to reach for the foil  container of dry cat food with his claws, but there's nothing on that foil container for his claws to grasp on to so he can pull it towards him.

It is now time for him to go back to his den for the day, which is not all that far away, it is in the woodlands on the back of me.


Creative is #8 Lighthouse painted in Procreate...

That badger, I presume KissyKissy, has wrought havoc in the rest of my garden, and side passage last night. I haven't seen the other side passage yet...
And I don't know what the front garden looks like yet...
I was hoping to plant potatoes in the front garden the next few days, I did last year, a few got dug up, but mostly they grew.
And I am still trying to figure out how to badger proof my container vegetable garden this year....

Not one person in my road has a front lawn any more, they are all paved, or gravelled over...they got fed up with re-turfing their grass lawns...

And, KissyKissy has eaten all the cat biscuits. It is pouring rain out there, very inclement weather, and there were several stray cats waiting for their breakfast. So I had  no choice as soon as it was light to put on my waterproofs to feed the stray cats waiting for some food. And to pick up the cloths he had pulled off the swing which were sopping wet, and take them to the end of the garden where I now have a 'badger washing line', and hang them over that to dry.

KissyKissy visited me in the night, he was right outside my full length glass bedroom door (which leads straight into the garden) looking at me in bed drinking my cup of tea at 1:00 a.m. in the morning. He looks much much bigger when you are next to him (albeit with a glass door in between us), than he does in the videos. He  is massive, a very powerful animal. I am a few days behind in downloading my videos and so it will be a few days before I get the timing, but I think he has just finished all the cat biscuits and like Oliver he was asking for more...

Would I go out and give him extra food? Not on your Nelly not while he is there... Although I understand you can hand feed a badger...but I would rather keep my hands attached to my own body.

The pair of blackbirds are out there now hoovering up the scattered cat biscuits from that messy badger. The magpie has just visited, I presume he is sussing out food supplies for his little ones again this year. The pair of heffalumps (wood pigeons)  are sitting on my electric cable overhead wire to the garage, and I am wondering how long that is going to hold out...
Everything else is feeding as normal in my garden...

Time for my breakfast now, and a fresh cuppa.

Have your best kind of day.

Oh, and that living fur black blanket, Midnight, is sprawled over me. I might have a nap, the day looks dismal...

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