Early walk

I went for a lunchtime walk today as I thought we might get more storms this evening. The cricketers were just setting up. The cafe was still open. The Visitors Inf. Centre had a crowd and I went to investigate. It was a special event for new comers to town but I had a nice chat to some people and got info on a few things that interested me. On the way past I noticed our bank of electric chargers was almost full. It seemed overkill when they were installed but so happy to see them being used. 

This afternoon I finished my book and so decided to do my monthly ironing session. Our daughter called so I put in my ear buds and continued ironing. Then just after we stopped talking my brother rang and we talked for ages. Suddenly it was tea time and I hadn’t given it any thought so got some meat out of the freezer. Then I thought I hadn’t any blips but on checking I had indeed taken some on my walk. 

So that’s my day. We have a new government. Chris Minns is the Premier and the Labor Party is looking like having a majority.

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