
By mcgoobs

Il Padrino

Vaish had her first exam this morning and so the three of us went to Pizza Express for dinner as a treat. This is Vaish's pizza, which was much more colourful and photogenic than mine. I made the rookie error of deviating away from my usual fav (the Padana, just FYI) and went for the Etna, which wasn't as good, but it was still pizza!

Went to the Leam Grid after dinner to try and get some work done.... so bored of this now. To make matters worse we are having plumbing issues and either have to suffer a scalding shower, or a freezing one, depending on the mood of the shower at any given moment of time, with a dribble of hot water now coming out of all the taps. Had to run to the kitchen covered in soap suds to boil a kettle to wash off with.... huff!

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