
By Henello


We forgot to take a photo at the service, so here are some flowers from the Botanic Gardens.

A very emotional day for R. During the service I read out a poem she wrote about her father. The funeral director liked it so much he asked R if he could use it himself!

I met many more of R's family. Her sister B couldn't make it due to getting an illness from her other sister A, who had recovered in time. It must be awful to miss this day.

R's paternal grandmother took a vallium before the service and was clearly a little out of it. She talked through some of the service and was even drooling at times. Still, it probably helped her cope during her own son's funeral.

The service spread from the funeral home to the crematorium. The final part of the service involved us clapping and whistling (well, only some whistled) to "Always Look On the Bright Side of Life". R's dad would've appreciated it. His mother, however, was not happy with the swearing in the song.

In the end, it was a lovely day. We got back to our flat not long past 2PM yet it felt like we had endured a long hard day.

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