
Tyllau ~ Holes

“During the work, you have to be sure that you haven’t left any holes, that you’ve captured everything, because afterwards it will be too late”
― Henry Cartier-Bresson

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Weithiau rhaid i chi drwsio tyllau sy'n ymdangos lle dydych ddim yn eu eisiau, weithiau rhaid i chi wneud tyllau lle mae eu hangen.  Ar ôl saga twll yn y to (a barhaodd am flwyddyn) heddiw roedd rhaid i mi glirio draen wedi'i rwystro. Doedd hi ddim draen wedi'i rwystro arferol - gyda dail ayyb. Y tro hwn ffeindiais i fod rhywbeth wedi bod yn cronni ar waelod y draen, bron yn rhwystro'r all-lif i'r prif ddraen. Roedd e'n galed bron fel concrit ac roedd rhaid i mi ei dorri cyn roeddwn i'n gallu  ei dynnu allan. Does dim syniad gyda fi beth oedd e, neu pa mor hir roedd e yno. Ond nawr mae'r draen yn gweithio - mae twll yn y lle cywir gyda ni - a doedd e ddim yn gymer flwyddyn i'w drwsio.

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Sometimes you have to fix holes that appear where you don't want them, sometimes you have to make holes where they are needed. After a hole in the roof saga (which lasted a year) today I had to clear a blocked drain. It wasn't the usual blocked drain - with leaves etc. This time I found that something had been accumulating at the bottom of the drain, almost blocking the outflow to the main drain. It was almost as hard as concrete and I had to break it before I could get it out. I have no idea what it was, or how long it was there. But now the drain works - we have a hole in the right place - and it didn't take a year to fix it.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Draen
Description (English): Drain

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