Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter

Ed the Mighty (and a party)

Saturday is music-group day, of course. I'd arranged to give Tom a lift to today's session in Rathgar, but first I dropped in to my local pharmacy to renew some of my medication. While waiting at the counter I noticed that the recent re-branding gives pride of place to Ed, the chief pharmacist, whose image appears a lot on the shelves. He's a great guy, very personable and wonderfully knowledgable and helpful.

The music session was really good, but I wasn't able to linger afterwards for the usual glass of wine and general chat. Why? Because we'd been invited to a 60th birthday party tonight in Swords, and I needed to get ready. Carl come round and we got a taxi from my place to the venue.

It was a terrific night. I was worried at first because our table was very close to the DJ and his huge speakers and his loud music that got increasingly louder as the night progressed. We gradually got used to the noise and ended up having a rare old time, with the usual banter and chit-chat and a drink or two and some okay food and all that.

Things were rather complicated because tonight's the night the clocks moved forward for summer time. That meant that what would have been a rather late finish ended up being even later … [continued for next blip] …

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