
There are only a few tulips left from the bunch Becky sent for Mothers Day  and those are looking past their best so I chose to blip one of the chrysanthemums from a bunch I bought in the Co-op 3 weeks ago as they are all still looking fresh.  Thanks to BikerBear for hosting.

I had a card through the door yesterday to tell me a parcel couldn't be delivered by ParcelForce and I had to pick it up at the Post Office.  I also needed to go to the village today to collect some parcels from Tesco. There is a post office in the village however my parcel had been taken to the other post office ... in the opposite direction.  So I went there first. 

The place was full of schoolchildren buying sweets and pop and I was stuck in a long queue for ages. The parcel was a huge, heavy box of groceries  - so I had to do the same as last time and decant them one by one out of the box into my shopping trolley.  Went home, unloaded trolley and set off down to the village.  At least all the walking I did increased todays step count.

The weather today was rainy and foggy.  Very dismal. It wasn't actually raining while I was out but the fog made the air damp so it wasn't very pleasant. 

Neil, Rachael and Luna have been on a short break up to the Northumberland coast.  They had nice weather yesterday and Luna enjoyed playing on the beach.  I got sent some photos so Ive made a collage ... see Extra.  They are back home now as Neil is working over the weekend.

Steps today - 9,595


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