Titley Times

By racheltitley


These haven't been photoshopped onto a picture of the floozy in the jacuzzi - these have genuinely appeared in the fountain with her (they could have been there for weeks but I'm not 'allowed' out of the office these days) I will admit to a little contrast adjust though.

Eldest went off with the rest of his junior school to be evacuated today - complete with mockney gas mask box (and giant now turned horrible tonsils - bad mummy) He had fun though and came home with a ration book and a 1940s newspaper.

The reason I was allowed out of the office today was to take my CSCS card (it's a construction health & safety site card) thankfully out if the possible 1200 questions my 50 fell well and 15 mins into a 45 minute test I was out with a pass - yay! I'm now safe for a few years more to visit building sites .

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