Oh Happy Day....

A birthday and a blip birthday all in one day! And I had not realized it! 

I guess I was so wrapped up in getting to my daughter's house yesterday and then celebrating my birthday with her and my son-in-law that I had not realized that it was my 2-year blip anniversary as well! I knew it was coming but had miscalculated or had just forgotten! So, imagine my surprise today when I checked in to Blip and discovered all those hearts and kind wishes waiting for me!   

When I first saw all the hearts, I thought "Wow.. my Canadian moose-in-vest photo must have been more popular than I could ever have imagined!"...and then ...I read the comments..OMG - it had been my blip birthday! 

I was SO embarrassed! My blip birthday should have had a posting in which I talked about how much I have enjoyed the experience of blipping and how wonderful it has been to meet such kind and talented fellow blippers..and how much I have learned from them and how searching for a photo-a-day has made me appreciate the interesting and beautiful things around me that I had often not even noticed! But no...I totally forgot! And I am sorry! 

Thank you all SO much for the kind comments and best wishes yesterday...And I do apologize  for being late to my own party! 

Today was a busy day... I went in to London to visit with Tim, the husband of my friend Michole who died last fall..It was so good to see him again and a relief to see that he is doing well. Losing Michole has been really tough for him... I really miss her too and although it is sad to go to her house now and not have her there...it felt good to spend time chatting with Tim and remembering all the good times we had..

The day was warm but dreary with a touch of rain.....I had hoped that there would be lots of photo-ops at my daughter's, what with being in a beautiful countryside landscape with lots of birds and the chance that deer and maybe even some foxes would drop by...but alas...the deer arrived before I got up and the foxes were a no-show. My photos of the birds were from taken through the window, so not great...hence...a photo of a flower at the local garden centre! Best I could do...

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