
By samsticks

Bike Island

Today progressed as anticipated with general not-greatness. Only tomorrow left, then I can get on my merry way over the weekend.

I took this shot on my way home this evening - I was running a little late to get back for Miles' bedtime, so I really put the engines on full throttle to get home ASAP. I missed him - he was already down when I got in meaning that didn't see him today other than a few minutes when I was getting ready this morning. I'm not going to be that Dad that's always at work. Will make it up to him tomorrow.


I joined a huge group of cyclists on the island in the middle of Alexandra parade - I was in around the middle of the pack at this stage - there must have been about 15-20 of us. These packs are quite common along my commute, and although the light wasn't very good, I was on a short timeframe before the lights changed, and I didn't get off my bike, I decided to try the shot anyway. Definitely not one of my best, and again I suffered from High ISO noise, but it gives you an idea!

See you tomorrow

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