One Month To Go

It's exactly a month to go until the Coronation, my Coronation teddy bear from John Lewis is already dressed up and waiting! A very wet day today, particularly when walking home after a talk in the library - I got soaked despite having a small umbrella with me. The talk was about Redwings, the UK's largest horse sanctuary, or more precisely, they also provide sanctuary for ponies, donkeys and mules. They look after 2,000 equines across the UK at 11 sanctuary sites including 5 with visitor centres including the local ones at Aylsham and at Caldecott near Great Yarmouth. Last year they took in over 100 horses and rehomed a similar number. Recently they've taken over the stewardship of the house in Great Yarmouth where Anna Sewell was born, the author of Black Beauty. 

Covid Update

The Spring booster campaign has now started in England for c5m of those more vulnerable, starting with care home residents. Invites will be sent via the NHS app, with text messages and letters sent to those without the app or not using it regularly. Scotland, Wales and NI have similar campaigns. Children aged six months to four years in a high risk group, will be offered a Covid vaccination for the first time from mid June (in England). Routine testing has now stopped for care home residents and staff in England who have symptoms of the disease. PCR testing outside NHS setting has ended in England. LFT testing continues for those in care or other high risk settings if they are eligible for COVID treatment. Those being discharged from hospital to care homes will still take a LFT as will those NHS staff with symptoms working with severely immunosuppressed patients or staff with symptoms who work in hospices. 

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