
By Jamjar

A rubbish photo but I have no other, and anyway phoning Derby City Council Streetpride, or rather trying to, has been a feature of the last few days.

I have to phone Streetpride to pay them to put a strip of tarmac against my drive boundary, then they'll request the utility plans and schedule the work. I've tried phoning 9 times, which means listening to all the recorded information 9 times, but going for Option 4,  the one I want, has just resulted in "The lines for this service are now closed." 9 times. 

Eventually I phoned Derby City Council main line and after 10 minutes a very nice bloke told me that, since April began, the payment line is only open from 9am until 1pm. Well that explains it!

By the way, the emergency number was dialled in my pocket during Saturday's walk. My phone was on silent as always while walking :-(

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