Sights of Japan day nine.

A boat ride to Miyajima Island to visit Itsukushima Shrine and the giant Torii Gate in the main Blip which seems to float on the water on a high tide. 
Once again the weather was being kind.
From the Island we took the ferry to pick up our bus again and move onto lunch which was again a fine meal.
After lunch we headed to the Peace Memorial Park and Museum which was to be a moving experience we went into the Orizuru Tower first which is 50 metres above the A-Bomb Dome. See the Extra.
At 0815 on Wednesday 6th August 1945 an Atomic Bomb was dropped on Hiroshima exploding 600 metres above ground and over the Hiroshima Prefectural Industrial Building of which the remain still stands to this day preserved as a memorial to the bombing.
By Sunday 10th August 140,000 people had died and even today there are people still dying from the after effects of the bombing. 
The third Extra shows the memorial to the children that died.

A ver moving experience and it would be nice to think that mankind has learnt some lessons from both Hiroshima and Nagasaki but sadly I don't think they have.

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