All A 'Growing

Tomatoes coming on a treat and all the little greenhouse plants doing well.
I got some Trailing Lobelia seeds today they are so tiny they were stuck to the foil liner of the packet they were in. Lets hope they come through. I have put them in the mini propagator ( I have a large one, but for small batches this one is adequate.)  I also potted on some cuttings of Diascia that have been growing in last years hanging baskets, by the time I come to do this years they will be well grown.

Called at the farm shop on or way back from our morning walk and got some alpines for the patch where the bird feeder was, nice large pots 4 for £10 two Saxifrage one white, and one pink,  one  blue Aubretia and one I can't just remember but it was purple then called at the big garden centre with all it's craft stuff and books and everything else you can think of, as I had a free gift voucher for an alpine plant. I got a yellow Elysium it was half the size of the others I got and still the same price but I got it for free. Never turn down a freebie

Lovely day no rain for a change lots of sunshine, got all my bedding washed and dry. Made cottage pie for tea, ah the advantage of making and freezing batches then just having to finish it off with mashed potatoes, I read a tip when doing mashed potatoes add some grated cheese in with them, it really tastes nice.

Hope you are all having a good weekend.

Sorry I'm a bit behind with comments, but I do read yours and give a star.

It's my son Marks  Birthday today he's 55, gosh that makes me feel really old now, I saw him the other day so didn't go visit him today just sent a Birthday message. He was born the day before his dads birthday. I remember it well, The day before I was up at Malham and walked up to Goredale Scar then started getting twinges . By the time we got home I was in labour and he was born next morning at 8am just as the day staff came on duty.

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