Life through my eyes

By Amanda_T

Cheeky smile!

I love the mornings (which is most of them) when this cheeky smile greets me.

It's been an interesting day. A new research project this morning and then the project meeting that I chair this afternoon. Twelve months ago it was agreed the chair would rotate so all member had an opportunity if they wished. In the end I decided I would stand for re-election. One other person nominated themself and after trying to say I couldn't stand again (another team member corrected him) wanted to put his pitch to the team, because I had done the role. An interesting pitch, in that my "faults" were outlined as everything he wouldn't do! I hadn't prepared a pitch and in many ways my "pitch" was simple to the point and at less than a minute 80% or more shorter! Votes will be sent to the researcher so I guess I'll find out in a few days. I've had so much lovely feedback that I really don't care what one person, who clearly thinks I am not up to his standards thinks. I know what I've done, and the positive interactions I've had with practitioners and academics. It's been a long time since I felt confident enough in myself and my abilities to say this, and not to fret that one person has issues with me.

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