Opening up

A pretty blank day, in terms of the Covid cycle: part of the 'two steps forward, one step back' process, I think. Mild dizziness and extreme fatigue kept me indoors and on the bed for much of the day, listening to BBC Radio 4 podcasts (what a gift they are). Richard felt somewhat less flat and managed to cook a lovely dinner.  He's still testing positive, and given my continuing symptoms, I'm not bothering to test again yet.
After that we watched an episode of Attenborough's Wild Isles. I'm glad that Attenborough is not pulling his punches any more about climate breakdown and associated threats to habitats and species. He states the awful statistics, and simply says: other ways are possible, it's our choice. Where available, he also includes examples of encouraging conservation or rehabilitation projects.  There's such a depth of sadness in his voice, as he narrates what I guess will be his last series.  I hope it will have some influence.
Moving from the macro the micro context,  in my continued absorption in the garden as a source of cheer, I visited the wild garlic patch by the compost bins. The flowers are just opening, and I got fascinated by their delicate structure and the semi-transparent covering that each flower head leaves behind, as it opens. Like a caul.

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